
Thursday, June 22, 2023


 As the lotus floats on the lake, Mathurâ rears itself up on the earth, 

The Lotus of the heart is Mathurâ with its eight petals. The two feet of Nârâyana are there marked with the divine Symbols (flag, umbrella &c.). The object of meditation there is either Krishna, with Srivatsa, with Kaustubha, with four hands, bearing Sankha, Chakra, Padma, and Gadâ, with arms adorned by Keyûra, with the neck adorned by a garland, with a crown on the head and with Makara-shaped Kundalas on the ears; or it is Krishna with, two hands, bearing a flute and horn.

Mathurâ is from Math, to put down, because materiality is put down there by divine wisdom. The eight Dikpâlas (Indra, Agni, Vayu, Varuna and others) preside over the eight petals of the Lotus in the heart.

The "flags" have the glow of the Sun and the Moon.

The umbrella is Brahmâ Loka.

The two feet are "above" and "below."

Kaustubha is that light which overpowers all other lights viz., Surya, Agni, Vak and Chandra.

The "four hands" are Satva, Rajas, Tamas and Ahankâra.

"Sankha," consisting of the five Bhûtas, is held by the hand representing Rajas.

"Chakra," consisting of Manas, is held by the hand representing Satva.

"Padma" is the universe, the primal Mâyâ. It is held by the hand, representing Tamas.

"Gadâ" is primal Vidya or wisdom. It is held by the hand, representing Ahankâra.

"Garland" round the neck consists of the Mânasa Putras of Brahmâ. The crown is Sat, absolute existence. The different life forms and the underlying Jiva are the two "Kundalas" on the ear.

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