
Friday, June 23, 2023


 Kansa then called the Daityas together. These sworn enemies of the Devas heard their master and then broke forth thus: —

"If it be so, O King of Bhoja, we will kill all children, whether ten days old or not, whether found in towns, villages, or pasture grounds. What can the Devas do, cowards in battle? They are always afraid of the sound of thy bow. Dost thou not remember how, pierced by thy arrows, they fled for their lives. The Devas are only bold when they are safe, and they indulge in tall talk outside the battle ground. 

  1. Vishnu seeks solitude. 
  2. Śiva dwells in forests. 
  3. Indra has but little might. 
  4. Brahmâ is an ascetic. But still the Devas are enemies. 

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