
Friday, June 25, 2021


 Let all the kings, obeying my command, wait at the outskirts of the city and enter as soon as an opportunity presents itself (38).

Let the Madra king, Kalinga king, Chekitan,the king of Vālhika, Kashmira king Gonarda, the king of Karusha, Druma of Kimpurasha country and the Danava of hill tracts, unitedly and speedily protect the western gate of the city (39–40).

Let Venudari of the Puru race, Sonaka the king of Vidarbha, Rukshmi the king of Bhojas, the Malava king, Suryāksha, the highly powerful Drupada, the king of Panchalas, Vinda and Anuvinda of Avanti, the powerful Dantavakra, Chhāgali, Purumitra, the emperor Virāt, the king of Koushāmvi, Mālava, Shatadhanwā, Viduratha, Bhurishrava the king of Trigartta, Vānga and Panchanada all these illustrious kings and powerful like a thunder-bolt now capable of attacking a fort, get upon the northern gate and assail the city (41-44).

Let Ansumāna's son the heroic Kaitaveya, Uluka, Ekalavya, Vrihatkshatra, Kshatrādharmā, Jayadratha, Uttamoujā, Shalya, Kourāvas, Kekayas, Vāmadeva the king of Vidisha, Sāngkiti and the king of Seni occupy the eastern gate of the city. Let them proceed destroying everything as the wind disperses the clouds (45–47).

Myself, Darava and the powerful king of Chedi will protect the Southern gate with our army (48).

Thus beseiged on all sides by these armies let the city entertain a great fear like that at the fall of a lightning (49).

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