
Saturday, July 10, 2021


 Krishna came out from Mathura city with Balarama. He placed his army at the three gates of Mathura, putting Satyaki in charge of it, and He came out by the north gate. 

All the weapons came down to Him and Balarama at His will. 

Taking these, He proceeded with Daruka (sarati or charioteer of Sri Krishna), His charioteer. 

Krishna and Balarama attacked Jarasandha, and his armies. 

The supporters of Jarasandha (Hamsa, Dibhika, Rukmi, Bahlika, Shishupala, Shalya etc.) ran away. 

Jarasandha attacked Balarama, and the two fought bitterly. 

Jarasandha was hit by Balarama’s plough and fainted, and Balarama arrested him. 

Ekalavya then shot arrows at Balarama, but Balarama was not affected by them. 

Krishna did not want to fight with Ekalavya Himself. He made His son Manmatha (Pradyumna) fight with him. 

Manmatha destroyed Ekalavya’s weapons. Ekalavya was Manimanta, the leader of the Krodhavasa group of demons. He was not really a hunter.

He was the son of Devashrava, the brother of Vasudeva and was sent out of his home. The hunter Hiranyadhanu brought him up, so he became known as a hunter.

Finally Sri Krishna instructed Bhima to kill Jarasandha as per Jarasandha’s earlier Karmas.

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