
Tuesday, December 22, 2020

17 x 23 = 391

  Jarasandha attacked Mathura with an army of 23 Akshohinis. His allies were 

  1. Shishupala (Chedi), 
  2. Bhagadatta (son of Narakasura of Pragjyotisha), 
  3. Rukmi (Vidarbha), 
  4. Vinda-Anuvinda (Avanti), 
  5. Paundraka (Pundra), 
  6. Dantavakra (Karusha), and others. 
But Krishna and Balarama easily destroyed the whole army, except for Jarasandha and his allies. A humiliated Jarasandha attacked Mathura 17 times but was repeatedly defeated.

18th Time On arrival of Kalayavana shifted to Dwarka

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