
Monday, August 14, 2017

Rasik Murari

8. And now hear the story of the great bhakta Rasik Murar, who was exceedingly alert in the service of the saints. Ha continually lived in the district of Mathura in the town of Saya.

9. He was accustomed to bathe in the Jumna and then worship Shri Krishna. He used the sixteen materials for worship and offered God flo-i-.'ers and tulsi leaves.

10. Then calling the Vaishnavas together he would wash their feet with his own hands. Drinking the water in which their feet were washed he then worshipped the saints.


11. Pre-paring many kinds of dainty food he used to feed the saints. In his love he regarded these saints as the same as Vishnu.

12. This brought him a great many disciples who helped him. Sitting quietly by himself he lovingly
worshipped God.

13. It happened on a certain day that Vaishnavas came to his house. He gave to everyone a
grass mat to sit upon.

14. He then said to one of his disciples, ‘Worship the saints and bring the sacred water at
once with which their feet are washed and give it to me.’

15. When this command was given, the worship of the saints began. With laziness and wrong thoughts, one immediately began to wash their feet.

16. There was there a Brahman, a foul smelling leper. His feet were covered with sores and intensely filthy. His clothes were torn and exceedingly old and he was dressed filthily.

17. Looking at him the disciple felt disgust. He said to himself, ‘If I should wash his feet, it will make me vomit.’

18. So he washed with love the feet of those who were wise and clean. And having worshipped the saints according to custom, he waved lights over them.

19. Collecting the water in which the feet of the saints were washed he gave it to the sadguru. Murar immediately drank it.


20. He called all his companY of disciples together and told them the secret of his heart. He said, ‘I drank the water today in which the feet of the saints were washed, but it did not taste properly.

21. I think the sacred water was brought to me with a doubt in the mind. I understand this
from my very feeling.’ Then he added,

22. Now you all think over the matter and tell me why it is that this nectar waterin which their feet were washed tasted so unpleasant.’

23. Hearing what their sadguru said they all gave themselves to thinking. He who had been engaged in the worship of the saints was much astonished by that question.

24. Then coming before Murar, he stood still, joined his hands together, and told him all that had hap

25. He said, ‘ Listen O Swami, to my true words. I was worshipping the saints, and seeing there a filthy Brahman leper I felt disgust.

26. I felt a great sense of repugnance. Then excepting him I worshipped all the other noble Vaishnavas and hastened back, O Swami. ’

27. MurariSinami then went up to the Brahman leper, and made him a postrate namaskar on the ground and washed his feet with his own hands,

28. wiped his feet also with his own hands and held them lovingly to his heart. He pressed
the toe of his foot to his eyes and drank with pleasure the water in which his feet were washed.

29. Then he exclaimed, ‘ Now the water in which his feet w'ere washed tastes good. ’ Hearing this all the Vaishnavas wondered and said, ' No one can understand the reverential feelings of Murar Swami.

30. Such is the power of a guru's favour. Only a good disciple understands its secrets. Just
as the chakor bird only fully knows the nectar of the moon;

31. or as the faithful wife alone understands the mind of her husband; or as only one indifferent to worldly things can indentify himself with the experience of the God-loving hhaktas while listening to their stories;

32. or as it is the bee alone that has experience of the sweet taste of the lotu.s-flower; or as it was Vishvamitra who alone understood the extraordinary power of the gayalri-mantra;

33. or as it is the Lord of Kailas { Shiva ) alone who has the deep experience of the name of Shri Ram; or as it is the bhakfas of Vishnu who realize the extraordinary power of the religious teachings of the Bhagwal;

34. thus it was that the sweet taste of the water in which the saints’ feet were washed was realized by Murar Swami. Nothing equal io it in sweetness could he find anywhere.'

35. Saying this, the Vaishnavahhaktas ' dYb.qqA their hands of blessing on his head. They said to him, * The Lord Krishna will be your helper because of your devotion.’

36. Because Murar felt this reverence for the feet of the saints he understood the sweetness of the water in which their feet were washed and from that time they gave him the name of Rasik Murar.


37, Murar’s gura was Dayarnava. He was an exceedingly learned man in divine knowledge. He very
lovingly and according to the prescribed rules worshipped God.

38. With the sixteen materials needed in worship he used to worship the beautiful idol ( Shaligram ) made from the gandaki stone, and in his reverence used to have it clothed in raiments, ornaments and adornments.

39. There w'as a king who came to the same temple to see and worship God. With great pleasure he noticed the W'Orship of Dayarnava, and then gave him the written deeds for the revenue of four villages.

40. The king said to Dayarnava, ‘ These villages have been given to you for the sake of
helping you in your worship. Let all the revenue from these villages be used for the worship of sadhwi and saints.’

41. Saying this the king returned to his city and Dayarnava was greatly surprised.

42. He said to himself, ‘Shri Krishna has supplied mo with all the means I have wished for.’ He was very happy over it, and continued his worship of Hari.

43. These rites lasted for many days, but suddenly a hindrance came in 'the way. A very wicked and sinful man came suddenly to the town.

44. By giving money to the king’s treasury he got himself appointed as the leaseholder of all that country, and bringing a written document to that effect he came to live in the city where the Vaishnaua was.

45. Hearing of Dayarnava’s right to the revenue from these towns, that evil man confiscated them; just as the wicked man Duryodhana took away the kingdom from Dharma.

46. People told him fully of the laws and the moral side of the case but that evil-minded man would
not listen to anyone. He had fallen into the error of being envious for illusory things and was falling into hell.

47. Misers do not like to hear of the giving of charity. Those who are not hhakias do not enjoy the stories of Hari. An adulteress on seeing her husband feels troubled.

48. But that evil man would not listen to anything. He said, ‘Who was it that gave this useless deed to this bairagi ?’

49. Hearing what this uon-hhakta said, Dayarnava considered it carefully in his mind and then immediately wrote thus to Easik Murar. —

50. ‘ Although you might be eating at the time you receive this letter, get up and come here immedi-
ately.’ Having written this, the sadgiiru sat waiting for him,

51. Now it happened that Easik Murar was sitting in his house eating when suddenly a man bringing a letter hurried to him.

52. On seeing this man from his sidgnru he felt supreme happiness ; just as when upon a withering
tree a cloud bursts and causes a heavy downfall of rain;

53. or as when a mother sends an invitation to her daughter, who is living at her mother-in-law’s, to come and visit her own home. It was in such a joyful manner that he asked the new^s of this man.

54. He said to him, ‘ What is the command of the sadgurti with which he sent you here ?’ The man then immediately took out the letter and placed it before him.

55. Murar took the letter in his left hand and read it. 'Bowing to the command of his mdguru
he quickly arose, although he was in the midst of eating,

56. and without speaking to anyone he started at once. He said to himself, ‘ I will do at once what I am told to do. ’ His heart rejoiced in doing so.

57. Going to that city of his sadguru he entered into his house. The moment he saw him, he made him a prostrate namaskar.

58. His sadguru seeing that his hands were already soiled by the food he had taken, enquired of him, ‘ Tell me the reason why your mouth is soiled with food.’


59. The other replied to his sadguru, ‘Your command is my authority. Receiving your letter, although I was eating at the time I immediately started,’

60. Hearing him say this every one was astonished. They exclaimed, ‘Xo one aside from you understands the characteristic of the bhakli given to a sidgu-ru.’

61. The guru then told Murar the whole affair. He said, ‘This evil man has confiscated the revenue of the towns given to me for the worship of God.

62. Although he was fully told about the laws and ethics of the matter, still that evil-;ninded man would not listen. Go to him at ones and preach to him his duty.

63. Freeing my towns from his grasp, come back quickly VI ith your errand accomplished. Take the name of Shri Krishna and start immediately. ’


64. Bowing his head to the command of his sidguru, he hurried along and going into the city he took lodgings.

65. There were some pious people there when he told all the news. He said, ‘ The official in your town has confiscated Dayarnava’s land.

66. Therefore, my sadguru has given me a command and sent me at once. So let us go just now
and accomplish this errand ’

67. The people replied, ‘Our oflScial is a supreme rascal, a hater of Vaishmvas and an
exceedingly low-minded man. Therefore you should not go there nastily.

68. You are merely a true bhakla and he will not listen to your preaching. Why needlessly
throw a golden lance into a well ?

69. If one has no iron near him, what is the use of rubbing it upon a piece of pottery ? A common cow cannot be compared with the wish-cow.

70. If rishi Agasti is thirsty, he should not go to a mere pond ( instead of the ocean ); instead of the
wish-tree, one should not place his desire upon a mere babhul tree;

71. although the infant child of someone else is hungry, a barren woman’s breast will not fill with milk; likewise evil-minded men will not listen to the words of a true bhakta.

72. So do not go personally to see him. We shall quietly accomplish your purpose by some
other plan.’

73. "When the leading men in the town had said this, Rasik Murar replied saying, ‘ My guru gave me
the command to accomplish this purpose immediately,

74. His command is my authority. 1 am going to that man’s house. If he will not give what I ask, there will be no help for it.’

75. In the meantime, someone told that evil man the news , saying,* Rasik Murar is com-
ing in order to reclaim the towns from you.

76. The moment an evil man sees him, he falls into deep confusion of mind. ’Hearing this the evil man was astonished.


77. Then planning a scheme this evil-minded man did as follows. He had a fierce elephant brought and in private he spoke to a wrestler.

78. He said, * Rasik Murar is coming at once to meet me. Make the elephant stand
in the square and kill him.

79. If you accomplish this, I will give you some money. ’ Hearing this the wrestler
said, * I will do so. ’

80. Then he gave the elephant a great deal of intoxicating liquor and had him stand in the king’s
highway. Just then Rasik Murar came with a procession singing and praising God.

81, He came with a great number of his disciples who brought with them cymbals and drums and with great fondness were singing the names of God.

82. ‘ Victory, Victory to Thee, the Husband of Rukmini, Pervaderof the universe, Father of Brahmadev Killer of Kans, aside from Thee, O Lord of Vaikurdh, Thy bhaktas have no intimate friend.

83. There is no place anywhere without Thee. The space pervades everything but is not soiled.


84, Just as when sandalwood and wood are set on fire, one gives uut fragrance and the other a
vile odour, but the fire is alike in bota; S5. so the Life of the world is the same in both evil and good men. With love I bow to Thee, O Thou whose form is that of the universe. ’

86. Murar w'as thus filled with joy and was praising the good qualities of Hari. All the people of the
city watched thu novel proceeding.

87. Just then the intoxicated elephant came hastening along the royal road. When the townspeople saw this they surmised what it meant.

88. They came quietly to Easik Murar and told him, ‘ That evil-minded man holds against you an evil purpose, and he has sent this elephant to kill you. ’

89. Although they told him this lie felt no fear in his mind, but he said, ‘Although I should protect this perishable i'v.Jy, yet at the end A'.;I (the god oi death) will seize it-

90. But if it is used for the sake of the ^uthiaru, all hindrancv'S at once flee away,’ Thus speaking he continued to walk forward.

91. Just then he saw the intoxicated elephant from a distance coming towards him, and his com-
pany of disciples addressed him. LLteu to what they said. This company of disciples said to him,


92. ‘ The elephant is coiniu.g tuward.s us. Let us run away from here. If we do not we shall be killed.

93. Rasik Murar answered them saying, ‘You have loyally and lovingly accepted the teaching of your S’l'iynru.

94. Xow loving your own bodies, you say: “Let us go away from here.” If you wanted to do so, why did you at all put the itilsi garlands around your necks and entangle yourself in
this ‘

95. Hearing what he said, all took otf their garlands. The sadyuru said to them, ‘ I am now free from you ’.

96. As they heard him say this, they all forsook him and fled and Rasik Murar alone remained on the spot ;

97. just as when the hot season has arrived, cIouqs leave the sky; fill or just as when the cold season arrives, rivers rundown;

98. or as when an enemy besieges a king, his followers out of concern for themselves run away ; or as when a time of distress comes, hypocrites abandon their proper duties ;

99. or as when old age arrives, the organs of sense drop the object of sense ; or as when a man falls into poverty, evil men forsake him;

100. or as when Shankaracharya asked for alms, he received in his hands a fused mass of hot glass and the disciples ran away;

101. so now all the people of the town looked at the strange scene from a distance. They
exclaimed, ‘ The official of the town, intoxicated with pride, is going to kill Murar, but without any reason, ’

102. In the meantime Rasik Murar with love continued to worship Shri Hari. Standing at a distance from him the disciples looked upon the scene.


103. The intoxicated and evil-minded wrestler of the elephant drove his intoxicated animal forward, but his ( Murar’s ) confidence was thatShripati ( Krishna) pervaded all beings;

104. and whose men! al condition is such, never receive any harm. The elephant came near him and humbled itself at his feet.

105. Although the elephant was intoxicated, and was of a bad dispo.sition, still it made
Murar a prG,strate namasknr. Seeing this strange sight every one wondered.

106. They said, ‘ This elephant is exceedingly intoxicated. He has killed very many. Xow
here he is making a prostrate nainaskar to Murar Stcijun. This is a most extraordinarily novel thing.

107. All the garlands which the disciples had taken from around their necks, Murar collected together and placed around the elephant’s neck.

108. He gave him the mystic manlra ‘Ram, Krishna, Xarayan’and said, ‘Leave your intoxicated
conditition and serve the saints.

109. In becoming a sup-pliant to the saints with one’s whole body, speech and mind, even if one loses one’s life, the command of one’s guru shoud not be disobeyed’


110. The elephant now changed to one of good disposition and the servants of the leaseholder hastened to tell him of the strange event.

111. They said to him, ‘You sent an elephant in order to kill Murar, but instead of doing ’that he has made him a prostrate naniaskar. ’ Hearing their story he was full of astonishment.

112. Suddenly he felt repentant and he walked to the place where Murar was, saying,

‘ I did not know of your extraordinary glory and I needlessly persecuted you.

113. You are truly a bhakta of Vishnu ; now command me to do whatever you please.’ Saying this he prostrated himself before Murar.

114. Rasik Murar replied to him, ‘ I have no other wish in my heart than that of bowing my head to the command of my sari guru and asking you to free the revenue from the villages intended for worship,

115. I have given instructions to the elephant ( and he is now my disciple ), so I desire that you should give him up to me. ’ The official replied, ‘ I will do so.’ Then he again made Murar a
prostrate namaskar.

116. Receiving a written document he took the elephant away with him. Singing the praise
of God he returned to his sarlguru having accomplished his errand.

117. Among beasts an elephant is most fierce but t V.. n he hacame wise. thi.s all the people felt astonished,


118. The elephant finally received full knowdedge. At night he listened to the praise of Hari. In the daytime, going into the jungle, he used to return with faggots.

119. Then all the Vaishnnuis dine they need leaves on which to eat, so the elephant used to go into the jungle and bring back leaves.

120. Leaves with food left upon them were thrown away but the elephant lovingly ate
them. Aside from them the elephant would eat nothing.

121, Vaishnava bhakias continually read the Sfiri Bhagunt at the door of the Ttnkurriivar (Krishna’s temple.) " The elephant listened constantly to its reading and hi.s mind became extraordinarily indifferent to all worldly things.

122. The elephant said to himself. ‘ Among beasts I was born v.'ith the exceedingly tierce body of an elephant. And now by the mercy of the sa-Jguru I have foimd a.ssociation
with sai its.

123. In a former birth I have done good deeds and they are now coming to fruitage ’ Thus the elephant with pleasure used to think in his mind.

124. After many days had passed, Rasik: Murar started to go to sacred bathing places. The Vaishnava hhaktas felt great joy in their minds.

125. Taking the elephant along with them the chief Vaishnaca walked to bathing-places
and the burden of all the garments and vessels they placed
upon the elephant.

126. If on the way they met thieves and they began to harm the bhafclas of Vishnu than the
elephant becoming angry would kill them.

127. He would let no one come near him, aside from one who repeated the names of Rama and who had around his neck a /w/si garland.

128. Thus repentant in spirit he visited many sacred bathing-places. Then many of them felt a
strong desire to go to the sacred place of the Kurus.

129. As they hastened along the road tht-y reached Arunavati. There the saints stopped the elephant and lodged there.

130. They held to their plan of remaining there three nights. Now there was here a Muhammadan king exceedingly
insolent who learned of their story.


 131. A messenger had hastened to tell bixn that some hatrogis ( ascetics ) had taken lodgings in the city and that they had brought with them a very fierce elephant.

132, ‘ Such an elephant of a beautiful appearance would certainly be an ornament to our kingdom. So you should go to Murar and forcibly demand it of him. ’

133. The messenger having said this, the king felt a desire for the elephant. He said, * Why does that beggar needlessly desire what is an ornament for a king? ’

134. He then at once gave command to his officers and told them to take away the elephant by
force, and if the bairagis did not deliver the elephant to them then they should punish them.

135. Hearing the commands of the wicked one the soldiers hastened to fulfil the order. The elephant was seated with a quiet mind in the midst of the Vaishnavas.

136. The king’s servants said to the saints, ‘ The king has sent us to you. His desire has fallen upon the elephant which is with you.

137. So give it to us at once, or we shall take it away from you by force. ’ Hearing these words of the evil- minded men, the noble Vaishnavas became concerned,

138. They said to one another, ‘ This insolent king is an evil-minded Muhammadan and even if he is told of law and ethics he will never listen.

139. If a crow is put in a cage and an attempt is made to teach it to talk, yet it can never repeat the name of Krishna. If one should ask money of a miser, it will be in vain.

140. You might give water to the sher tree but it will never bear nectar fruit. If a cow should lick a butcher, will he therefore protect her from being killed ?

141. A he-gcat -may listen to the glorification of the iulsi plant but he will feel no compassion for the plant ( but will eat it ). A drunkard when seeing a man wise in divine things feels disgust.

142. If a falcon should see a speaking parrot, will he therefore protect it? A fish might be flapping about out of the water but the crane will not feel any mercy for it.

143. So although one might preach law and ethics to those who are non-bhaktas, yet it will never be to their taste.’ Thus thinking, the saints gave reply to the messengers.

144. They said, ‘ Aside from Vishnu’s bhaklas the elephant will permit no one to touch it. If you should touch it, it will in a moment kill you. ’

145. Although the bhaklas of Vishnu said this, the king’s messengers tried to seize the elephant, but they were not able to do so; for in its anger it attempted to kill them.

146. They then went back to the king and told him all the news. They said, ‘ No one aside from the bhaktas of Vishnu can master the elephant. ’

147. The king hearing what they said suggested a plan to the driver of the elephant ( the
mahant ): ‘Dress in the guise of a Vaishnava and then go to the elephant. ’


148. Saying he would do so he placed a tulsi garland around his neck, marked his forehead with the paste of white clay, and went repeating the names ‘Krishna, Gopsl.’

149. In order to rob pilgrims on the road, robbers dress as ascetics; and although hunters sit to listen to a kirtan they will not fail to set a snare for deers ;

150. as when to secure a livelihood an actor disguises himself as a sannyasi ; or a crane seems to sit in meditation, but it is for the pur- pose of catching a fish ;

151. likewise that very proud man deceitfully became Vishnu’s bhakta, and he approached the
elephant while repeating the name of Krishna.

153. Then coming near to the elephant he tried to catch it. In its mind it understood that through deceit the driver had changed the appearance of his body.

153. But as he came repeating the names of God, it felt that there was no remedy. The elephant therefore becoming quiet he was quickly overcome by the deceitful man.

154. As the elephant was being driven to the door of the king, its mind was very disturbed and it said to itself, ‘From now on, the service of the saints comes to an end. ’

155. When he was bound in his stall he would eat no grain or grass. After days had passed he went to the heaven Vaikunth,


156. for as he was taken to the Ganges to drink water he drowned himself in it. Desiring to be in the essential form of Hari he attained final deliverance.

157. Having been associated with saints, the animal was saved without a moment’s delay. What is there novel then in a man’s acquiring goodness ?

158. On and around the mountain of Maila the bar and the babhul trees grow. Although they
look different from one another in appearance they do not lack in fragrance.

159. So an evil man might be of a low caste and his mind might be very evil, still if he finds
himself in the neighbourhood of saints he will be saved.

160. So, fortunate hearers, listen to the delightful stories of the saints.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice, thank you and may we be blessed by the saints!

